Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Wordless Wednesday - Visual Summary

This was the WW I had originally intended on posting last week.  ;) 

Visual summary of the incredibly talented artists I had the pleasure of meeting this year at the Baltimore Comic Con:

Full Post Can be seen here: http://www.beyondthewhiskers.com/2012/09/comics-prints-sketches-oh-my.html

Happy Wordless Wednesday!

Since so many wonderful people have begun hosting Wordless Wednesday linky's I'm running out of space on the posts. So, now I've put all the buttons on their own page.

Or Just click on the tab at the top of the page titled "WW Linkys".



  1. Cool!!! What did you use to do this??

    Mines up as well at AussiePomm - Cymbidium Orchids

    Have a great WW!!

    1. Photoshop Elements. I created a blank "new" canvas 8"x10" and draged the pictures where I wanted them. ;)

  2. Very cool. Thanks for linking up! :-)

  3. Thank you for visiting Wordless Wednesday at http://acts17verse28.blogspot.com/. I appreciate you stopping by and sharing what you’ve been shooting! And please visit this week’s Observing Beauty linky, too – it’s up and running!
    I hope to see you again soon.
    Have a great week,
