Saturday, February 21, 2015

Don't forget to Check the Weather!

Wake up at 4am. Clean the house. Rearrange the furniture. Set up the light kit.  Check. Check. Check. Check.  Confirm that the weather is suitable for travel….ummm…Oops.  One quick phone call and an open palm slap to the forehead later… and I’m sitting in the middle of my room with a free day ahead of me.

The snow may have postponed today’s photo shoot, but by George all that set up was not going to be for nothing.  Enter practice time.  Except for those pictures taken during Christmas, this is the first I've gotten to play with my new lighting kit.  Four lesson videos later (Yea for and I’m ready to give it a shot.
When I first started, hubby was away.  That left me...

Just a Test 
Still Just a Test 

Cougar Girl...
Cougar Cougar Girl - I Could Reach That Cougar Girl - Say What! Cougar Girl - That Stick is Mine 
and Storm Girl...
Storm Girl - What do you want? Storm Girl - I Want That Storm Girl - Thinking Storm
Then hubby came home...

Still Mine

and the whole family officially became part of the action.  :)  

Overall, I've got to say...I really think I'm going to like being able to take photos indoors after the sun goes down.  Extra kit means that while it was -2 outside, I could stay nice and toasty warm inside without loosing a day of shooting.  Oh...yea...I think I'm really really going to like this.

Lesson for the day: Always Check the Weather!

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