Saturday, January 12, 2013

Little One's First Christmas

Two weeks into January and still more Christmas posts?  You betcha!
But I have a really good excuse…I mean, look how adorable this little one is!
A few weeks prior to Christmas, my girlfriend called me up requesting some Christmas pictures. Not yet having an opportunity to see the new baby, I couldn't have been more excited and jumped at the chance!
It was a lot of fun watching the new parents fawning over their little Christmas present.
This little one is certainly surrounded by lots of love.
Merry thoughts and hopes of Christmas blessings to Caleb, Diane and their little one!

Lesson 1: Keep babies warm.  If you’re going to go for diaper only…make sure you have blankets around to keep the baby nice and toasty between shots.
Lesson 2: Babies sleep a lot!  Arriving at the end of nap time let’s you get in some cute sleeping pictures…and gives you a chance to have a few well-rested baby pictures when the little one does wake up.
Lesson 3: Find places that are safe, confortable, and warm...this keeps parents and baby happy.  If you want to place the baby on the floor bring plenty of freshly washed soft blankets.


  1. Kris, thank you again for providing us with all of these wonderfully-done photos. There is no price that can be placed on these precious memories that you have captured (1000's of times) with the lens of your camera. You have an amazing talent that I'm sure many people greatly appreciate, and that I hope continues to flourish.

  2. Those are beautiful pictures!! Well done, I love the baby in the stocking! Santa was good to those deserving parents! HA!!
    Just beautiful!!

    My son and daughter in law had pictures done of their twins. My son said the photographer had the room up to 80 degrees. Those babies slept through the entire photo shoot!

  3. What a beautiful baby! Oh my gosh...precious! Your photography is so lovely.

  4. What cute captures! Wonderful work.

    ♥ aquariann
    Featured Photo: Pony Plant Sculpture
