Thursday, February 7, 2013

Photo Art Friday - Dropped Petals Challenge

A week or so ago I came across Pixel Dust Photo Art (pdpa), a really nifty blog where you can find some of the coolest textures and backgrounds.  Each Friday Pixel DustPhoto Art hosts a challenge.  This Friday the challenge was to create a piece of abstract photo art using the Dropped Petals texture/background, one other pdpa texture, and one or two other images.

Sounded like fun…so I give you my first attempt at a challenge:
Challenge I

I used:
Elements Used I

Photo Art FridayNot sure how well I did.  I think I need some kind of focal point.  Hopefully as I participate in more challenges my skills will improve.  Wish me luck.  ;)

If you would like to check out the Photo Art Friday Showcase or take a look at some of the neat (and many free) textures and background there are over at Pixel DustPhoto Art just click the button to the left. 


  1. What a fun piece. I think you did a fabulous job. I would never have thought to use Fireworks but they turned out great in your piece.

  2. Simply gorgeous photos, gorgeous what you've done with this breakdown.

  3. fabulous piece, I love the movement and the purple on grey

  4. no one could guess you're a first timer - the concept and edits are so illuminating

  5. Wow, you are a fast learner. This is stunning, fabulous job.

  6. You did a great job, it's beautiful!! :)

  7. Wow - terrific first piece. I can't wait to see the next one!

  8. I'd say your first attempt was a success! I like how the fireworks look like paintbrush strokes and lines, and how the squares of the background give a kind of containment to the action.

  9. I love it! The fireworks look great on the texture.

  10. Spectaculicious!! I think the fireworks are brilliant!! This is a very interesting piece.

  11. great work, love the colours. Cheers

  12. Wonderful selections of element have produced such a lovely piece!!!

  13. You have blended so well that I couldn't see any of the individual parts, but was taken in my the whole ... I would say you are off to a good start if this is your first try. It will be interesting to see where you go from here. Very nice work ...

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  14. Really cool! Thanks for your kind words on my blog.

    Capture Life,
