Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Wordless (kinda) Wednesday - Kiddo 4th of July

I hope you had as much fun as I did this past 4th of July (even if you don't celebrate - your day still could have rocked - and I hope it did).  Feel free to participate in the Wordless Wednesday Linky - even if it's not too wordless. 

This week's photo is just one out of many taken this past 4th of July.  Yep, I'm spoiled 'cause my friends and family have the cutest kids!


Since so many wonderful people have begun hosting Wordless Wednesday linky's I'm running out
of space on the posts. So, now I've put all the buttons on their own page.
Or Just click on the tab at the top of the page titled "WW Linkys".


  1. What a little cutie!!!! (and I love her hair - my late wife loved the kids next door with tiny tight little curls like these)!

    Mine is up as well… http://blog.aussiepomm.info/2013/07/wordless-wednesday-n087-airport-sunrise.html

    1. Hi Bernie!

      I know...I'm lucky to have friends with babies that are cute as a button. Love your blog...didn't realize I had the sound all the way up when I stopped over to visit...scared the daylight out of the cats and my husband. ;)

  2. Oh my goodness!! Absolutely adorable!!

  3. Perfect outfit, perfect props. Just love it!

    1. I've heard that the little one's grandmother helped out with the outfit. That kid comes from one styling family!

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Pamela! I have to agree...I'm lucky to have such wonderful little ones around to take pictures of.
